"I used to get regular sinus infections - I'm talking 3-4 per year.  They would knock me out for a minimum of a month at a time, medication of some kind for sure.  I was finally referred to a specialist and we were talking about sinus surgery.  Heather had been inviting me to classes for months and I finally went. When I smelled BREATHE - I knew there was something special there!  I am happy to share that not only did I end up not needing sinus surgery, but I have found all the support I need since I started using doTERRA!"

—Susan Koch | California, USA

Try doTERRA Essential Oils for FREE!

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Hi, I'm Heather

I've been using doTERRA essential oils for 8 years and can't imagine my life without them. I know they'll have a positive impact in your life as well and I'm excited for you to try them!

My favorite oil lately has been Wild Orange. It's fresh and energizing. I love using it in our kitchen diffuser to aromatically support a joyful and optimistic gathering space.

I look forward to connecting with you soon. Be well.